I should be cruising around and spending gas up to storm, but instead I am still without my #ucking car.
Last night when i went to pick it up, I suddenly got a call from “Horhe”. ” Mrs Tan, I belive I have some disturbing news. Your car is not ready. The seatbelt we ordered came in wrong, and it does not fit your car. “
OK, so I asked, when do you think it will finally be right? He sayd they ordered another one and it should come in around 5.30 pm. So 5.40 pm I got a call and he tells me that Mercedes sent in again wrong belt. SO I am still stuck to this fuckin beige mitch. UGH. I was sooo looking forward driving to airport on monday and pick my dh up from there. Now I am not going anywhere, because I don’t want to drive to LA without navigation system. I am so bummed.
So today I went to Enterprise and extended rental. Of course I missed 30 day mark and showed up on day 41, but they were really nice about it and did not punish me for that. Punishment came when they charged my credit card for 1300 dollars. No big deal, I just bill to Farmers and get money reinbursed. OH. I am mad, but remain calm because i just don’t know how really mad person should behave.

So there you go, I’m mad and you can do nothing about to calm me down. I think I eat some phish food now.

.. Regina tervisest.

Viisin Regina tana jalle arstile kuna ta koha mitte kohe ei taha teda yksi jatta. Tana viisin ta uue arsti juurde- mu enda arsti juurde. Neil on parem office ja ka parem tehnika. Ta kopsudest tehti tana rondgen ja avastati et ta paremas kopsus on vedelik mis seal olema ei peaks. Samuti vahetasime antibiootikumid tugevamate vastu valja. Tundub et ravimid on jah vaheke tugevamad, kuna pool tundi peale rohu votmist jai ta kohe magama. Loodame et asi hullemaks ei lahe ja rohud ravivad ta terveks.


I called ot car repear place where my mercedes is getting extreme makover. IT IS FIXED NOW. I was supposed to pick it up yesterday, BUT, they forgot to replace the drivers side belt( the one you buckle your self up lol). So tonight around 4 pm i can finally pick up my car. Oh, I am soo exited. It has been long wait and long lonely 2 months and one week without it.

Update about my sholder, bones…

Today I finally had a word with ortopedic surgeon. He belives that my injuries are related to my past workouts( weight lifting, bench presses etc). The cystic changes – those little cysts are fluid filled and most likely they have to do cortisone injections( oh, those are so painful).
I had them done on my hands 2 years ago. And I had to wear brace most of the time to keep my wrists on place ( it worked, but 3 days after I took my hand brace off , pain was back and I just deal with it)

AND I am weak jointed-I knew that allready, after half an hour warmout I can flex here and there.
TO try to fix the problem without cortisone injections and surgery I HAVE to see physical therapist 3 times a week for 4 weeks. AND other days I don’t see therapist I have to do my little strengthening exsersises at least couple of hours per day. Not so happy about that. 😦

(from online sourse)
What is shoulder bursitis?
Many patients seek medical attention for shoulder pain, and a common diagnosis given is ‘shoulder bursitis,’ or ‘shoulder tendonitis.’ The doctor will then often state that identifying which of these diagnosis is the true cause of pain is not important because the treatment is the same.

This is true. Shoulder bursitis and rotator cuff tendonitis are all ways of saying there is inflammation of a particular area within the shoulder joint that is causing a common set of symptoms. The best terminology for these symptoms is ’impingement syndrome.’ Impingement syndrome occurs when there is inflammation of the rotator cuff tendons and the bursa that surrounds these tendons.

Where is the anatomical problem?
The shoulder is interesting in that several bones, muscles, and ligaments contribute to this complex joint. zSB(3,3);if(!z336){var zIsb=gEI(“adsb”);if(zIsb){”inline”;”0px”;”0px”;}var zIss=gEI(“adss”);if(zIss){”inline”;”0px”;”0px”;}}

Impingement syndrome, or shoulder bursitis, occurs when there is inflammation between the top of the humerus (arm bone) and the acromion (tip of the shoulder). Between these bones lies the tendons of the rotator cuff, and the bursa that protects these tendons.

Normally, these tendons slide effortlessly within this space. In some people this space becomes too narrow for normal motion, and the tendons and bursa become inflamed. Inflammation leads to thickening of the tendons and bursa, and contributes to the loss of space in this location. Eventually, this space becomes too narrow to accommodate the tendons and the bursa, and every time these structures move between the bones they are pinched–this is the impingement.What causes this problem?
Impingement syndrome is a descriptive term of pinching of the tendons and bursa of the rotator cuff between bones. In many individuals with this problem, the shape of their bones is such that they have less space than most others. Therefore, small thickenings of the tendons or bursa can cause symptoms. Often there is an initial injury that sets off the process of inflammation. Thereafter, the problem can be self-exacerbating. Once there is an initial injury, the tendons and bursa become inflamed. This inflammation causes a thickening of these structures. The thickening then takes up more space, and therefore the tendons and bursa become are pinched upon even more. This causes more inflammation, and more thickening of the tendons and bursa, and so on. What are the symptoms of shoulder bursitis/impingement syndrome?
Common symptoms include: Pain with overhead activities (arm above head height) Pain while sleeping at night Pain over the outside of the shoulder/upper arm

Nice face ;)

Nice face- where did you get it from ???
I think in OC almost everybody had some kind of plastic surgery or lasic retouching or lipo done. I often want to ask from ” really” beautiful people, so, where did you buy your face from? Do you think that would sound little rude?? I’m just curious. I don’t mind plastic surgery- infact- I need liposuction, new and fresher looking skin, porcelan vineers, boob lift, varicouse vein removal from my left leg, fuller pornstar lips, longer forhead, pointier cheeks and longer chin- is that to much?? I know after I have all these things done I still can make beautiful babies because I allready have 2 really cute kids. But what happens to those people who loook soooo incredibly perfect give birth to kids whose ears are 2 inches from head, teeth are extra long and crooked, and nose is just like huge baked potato. That would be so wrong, and then they get old enough to notice how different they are from their parents and ask from them- AM I ADOPTED?? THAT IS WILD!!!


Juba nadal otsa on REgina kohinud ja ringi nohisenud. Paari viimase paeva jooksul on koha paris hulluks katte lainud. Kohib nii et hakkab oksendama. Koharohud erilist head siin millegiparast ei tee. Eile oosel tuli jalle vaike palavik valja ja tanasest on ta siis antibiootikumide peal. Loodan et saame selle haiguse kiiresti kontrolli alla ja et siit asjad kopsupoletikuks edasi ei edene. Nagu on tal ka vaheke paistest kuna ei saa tatti kudagi moodi liikvele. 😦 Muidu tunneb ta end ikka paris hasti. Voodis ta olla ei taha, puhata ta ei taha, muudkui rahmeldab ringi- teeb oma” kasitood”, opib kirjutama ja arvutama, varvib paevad otsa oma varviraamatuid kuna ma ytlesin talle et enne ma talle uusi raamatuid ei osta kui koik on ara lopetatud- aga vaevalt et ta nende raamatutega niipea yhele poole saab. St Judes olles sai ta endale yle 100 erineva varviraamatu ja pooled neist on veel puutumatta.

Gabriel on tagasi koolis. Ta kohe andis kiiresti alla ja nohust sai ka lahti. Millest ta aga lahti ei saanud on jonnist. Koige hullem aeg on magamamineku aeg. Kella 8st kuni 10ni ohtul ta karjub, vahkreb, ytleb et ma olen halb ema kuna kasen tal magama minna ja terroriseerib Reginat. Samuti karjub ta vihahoos et tahab Nicki ja NYYDSAMA. Ytles mulle et nick ei ole nii julm kui ma olen. irw. Arvatavasti on ta ara unustanud nicki distsiplineerimised. Ju mu mees aitab tal need varsti meelde tuletada ja siis umbes paar nadalat karjub ta iga ohtu et I WANT MY MOMMY!! irw.

Ma tunnen ennast ka paremini. Arvan et tean miks ma vahel nii vastikult haigena tundsin. Vahepeal hakkasin jalle kohvikasutajaks , kuid poolteist nadalat tagasi otsustasin paeva pealt et EI ENAM. Millegi parast hakkas kohvi joomine mind vasitama, ma oleks pystijala magama jaanud.. See et ma paeva pealt joomise maha jatsin oli halb idee. VAGA halb. Need korvalmojud on vorreldavad gripiga- pea valutab lausa lohub otsas, kurk on kinni, jube uni ja meeleolu muutused, ja muidu on imelik olla. Tana on mul ikka veel vaike peavalu, kuid vorreldes paari paeva taguse valuga on tanane valu imevaike. 🙂 Teen edusamme. Oleks pidanud koige pealt decafi oige kohviga pooleks jooma, ja 3 tassilt yhele yle minema. Aga mu karsitus on nagu ta on. koik peab juhtuma nyyd ja kohe, ja kui kohe ei juhtu, siis see ei hakka kunagi juhtuma. 🙂


Me majas on koik haiged. Gabriel jai haigeks esimesena- kohis ja oli suures nohus, siis oli jarg Regina kaes, ta haigus hakkas palaviku , koha ja nohuga, ja muidugi pidin ma ka lastega sammu pidama ja jain ise ka haigeks. Nohu ja koha ja suured peavalud. Ma syydistan meie haiguses seda koikuvat kuuma ilma. Ykshetk on nii kuum et ei saa hingata ja siis jargmine hetk on hea ja jahe ja tuuline. lapsed tunnevad tana end vaheke paremini. Ju siis rohud tootavad :). Nyyd kodus olles on Reginal suur oppimise tuhin peal. Printisin talle terve hunniku homeschoolig harjutusi valja ja ta teeb neid paevade viisi. Matemaatikat, kopeerib sonu taga, opib lugema- hasti usin opilane on. tana luges juba 3 realise loigu mulle ette. This cat is fat, this cat is furry, this cat has black spots – umbes midagi taolist. Mul on selle yle vaga hea meel et ta oppida tahab. Manguasjadest ta eriti enam ei hooli. Arvan et palju sellest oppimistuhinast on Kindergarteni syy. Ta grupis on palju lapsi kes oskavad lugeda ja 100 piires arvutada, ta ei taha teistest maha jaada ja yritab kovasti et ka midagi uut oppida. 🙂 Gabriel on hetkel aga teine lugu. Ta mangiks paevad labi arvuti ja Gamboy Advance’iga kui ma ainult lubaks. Esimene asi mis ta hommikul peale silmi lahti tehtes minult kysib on kas Arvutiga mangida saab vah?? Ja siis ta tahab et ma temaga auto rallit mangiks ja teda yles ja alla hypataks, kuid tanu oma vasaku ola valudele ei saa ma midagi rasket kanda. Yritan teda hambad ristis paar korda hypatada, kuid see ajab valu ainult hullemaks ja ma pean enda piinamise lopetama. Gabriel koigest sellest veel aru ei saa kuna 4 aastase maailm koosneb ainult huvitavatest mangudest ja tavaliselt loppevad sellised olukorrad pisaratega.

Ei olegi midagi erilist siin juhtunud. Kaisime Regina grupida discovery Science centeris, kuid kuna Regina ei tundnud ennast just koige paremini, ja teadus teda eriti ei huvita siis tal oli seal igav. Muidugi oli tal oma seljakott kaasas ja seal pliiatsid ja kirjutama oppimise markmik kaasas. Nii me siis istusime ja oppisime kirjutama need paar tundi mis me seal viibima pidime.

Nick on ikka veel hiinas ja peaks tagasi joudma 31 juuli ohtul. Seekord jaab ta koju paariks kuuks ja laheb tagasi Hiina peale Regina synnipaeva. Eile ohtul just helistas ja ytles et on viimased paar nadalat pea magamatta olnud kuna tood on liiga palju ja kuumad hilmad ning nirud ohukonditsioneerid votavad une ara. Ootame teda koik koju. 🙂

Still pretty hot and uncomfy…

yes, I tryed to save some energy and not keep my AC on all day , but it was very bad idea. fans just did not do its work. It got way to hot and Around noon I hade to turn AC back again. I am not looking forward receiving our electricity bill this month. I guess it will be around 400 dollars.

But now to a different topic. Why is it that I have such a hard time making new friends or maintaining relationships with people? I know I am not very outgoing when It comes to aproaching people and talking to them but still. Lot of the times I am just to scared to make a first step because of my poor English. But when I do make that first step then I get treated like everybody hase to educate me about life in USa, and the rules and the tricks and treats.
I have been since june 1st, 1998, and have learned every single thing about culture and people, and how to get things done, and how to pay bills and how to smile even when you feel like showing your tongue or jumping into someones throat because what they say just makes no sence.

Both of my kids go to daycare but I really don’t know any of the parents. There are couple of them out of about 50 parents I communicate, but that is it( about 25 in gabes class and 25 in Reginas). And when I start conversation with someone I feel like lunatic because I have nothing in common with them, and all I hear Is blah, blah blah, blah blah. Do I sound to rude now??? I think I just make wrong choises making friends. Let me give you one very rude example. Mom stays home, has cleaning lady come 3 times a week, gardener twice a week, get food catered every nigh, have personal stylists, interior designesr,all the laundry gets washed by somebody else etc. yes, I am stay at home mom now, but I do all the stuff that comes with being SAHM. You know what I mean???
And more I meet people like this more frustrated I get because I want somebody in my league, but in this area where I live it gets harder and harder to find people with whom I really click.

I guess I just live in wrong area……

This is my bitter post of the month….